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2007 » Март » 23

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6.43b Ченжлог
*Пофиксены проблемы с запуском карты на компьютерах со слабой конфигурацией
*Пофиксены баги, из-за которых герой иногда не возраждается
*Пофиксены -swaphero, время респауна нейтралов и "начальный капитал" в -xl
Просмотров: 960 | Добавил: Novat0r | Дата: 2007-03-23 | Комментарии (0)

6.43 Changelog:
* Added new mode -xl(Extended League Mode)
* Reworked the Roshan Terrain area for improved Sentinel accessibility (lots of miscellaneous tweaks and mechanics to that area have been done beyond simply terrain change)
* Fixed the multiple hero exploit
* Recoded the death timer. It is more accurate now (the display was off before, you don't revive any faster than you used t
* Items with armor bonuses no longer stack (Vladmir/Basilius/Assault)
* Fixed a bug with Satanic that was giving it extra life steal
* Fixed some bugs with Mekansm, Morphling Stat Change and Hand of God that caused the death timer to not properly show
* Added Bottle to the new secret shop
* Undid some of the Toughness Aura buff from last version
* Tinker no longer Rearms Arcane Ring
* Slightly reduced creep collision size due to the increased number in the last patch towards the end of the game
* ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 960 | Добавил: Novat0r | Дата: 2007-03-23 | Комментарии (0)


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